
  • Topic Can corporates work with and invest in aquaculture start-ups?

    Location Lovund Hotel

    Purpose Understand the relationship between investors and corporates

    Participants Representatives from investors, corporates and startups

  • Topic Is salmon farming sustainable?

    Location Lovund Hotel

    Purpose Understand the issues of sustainability in aquaculture and the progress being made in Norway

    Participants Representatives from fish farms, Norwegian investors, startups and corporates in this space

  • Topic Aquaculture Innovation in the Arctic Region

    Location Lovund Hotel

    Purpose How have the environment and players in the regions enabled and advanced aquaculture? What is the regulatory environment?

    Participants Representatives from academia, government, investors and startups in the region

  • Topic Fish First - how are animal welfare and resource scarcity tackled in fish feed?

    Location Lovund Hotel

    Purpose Understand the evolution of feed, essential nutrients for fish and consumers, sourcing and welfare.

    Participants Representatives from research, corporates and startups working on fish nutrition